Wonderglobe Holidays

Cancellation Policies

Please Read the Following Carefully

You have booked group tour where Wonderglobe Holidays requires to book services like hotel, air, transportation etc. in advance because all group need to travel at the same time and stay together in one hotel. Our moto is to avoid all inconvenience to guest & enjoy their tour happily. And for blocking the reservations, we need to make the payment in advance. In such situation if tourist does not availed the services then we have to bare the cancellation charges. In order to cover our expected losses from the cancellation there’s a set scale of charges which must be paid by the guest if you or anyone traveling with you cancels the tour or cancel any services or arrangements that form part of your booking with us. The cancellation charges are a percentage of total tour cost which varies with the number of days prior to departure date. Cancellation charges are as follows:

Cancellation Charges are as follows:


World Tours

Indian Tours

Number of days before departure from the date of receipt of your cancellation request

Amount of cancellation charges in % on total tour price must be paid by the Guest/s

Amount of cancellation charges in % on total tour price must be paid by the Guest/s

More than 90 days

Registration Amount or 20% + GST whichever is higher

Registration Amount or 20% + GST whichever is higher

90 – 61 days



60 – 46 days



45 – 31 days



30 – 16 days



15 – 1 days



On the day of departure



On Tour



Cancellation on Additional Service/Deviation will be charge extra GST is applicable on cancellation charges

  • General Terms applicable for all type of cancellations:
    • Applicable Refund as per cancellation policy will be paid within 10 working days from the date of cancellation in INR only.
    • No interest will be payable on refund of any cancelled tour
    • Cancellation shall attract the cancellation charges on Published tour cost
    • For any services over and above Group tours booked by the guest, the additional cancellation in addition to above the cancellation table will be applicable.
    • Wonderglobe Holidays do not have any responsibility towards additional expenses relating to any arrangement made by Guest themselves relating to tour.
    • Guest should communicate any correspondence towards cancellation from their registered email-Id with Wonderglobe Holidays on email [email protected].
  • Tour cancelled by guest due to personal reason:
    • If the guest decides to cancel the tour for any reason, he shall make a written application to the Wonderglobe Holidays and/or email from their registered email-id with Wonderglobe Holidays on [email protected] with Cc to staff who booked your tour. Cancellation is valid only if sent on abovementioned email address only. Any other form including oral, telephone, sms etc. shall not be treated as request for cancellation.
    • The letter or email must contain
      • Name of Travellers. tour code/form no,
      • Registered mobile no
      • Reason for cancellation alongwith copy of receipts issued by Wonderglobe Holidays.
    • Single guest opted for sharing the room with other guest will require to pay cancellation on cost of single occupancy if for any reason, cancels or alters the booking of the tour. No adjustment shall be made from the payment contributed by partner of shared room. Wonderglobe Holidays reserves the right to allocate rooms for Speciality Tours such as My fair Lady, Student Specials, My Prince Charming where booking is on single guest basis and guest has to abide by it .
    • Booking after cancellation will be treated as fresh booking for all purpose.
    • Tour cancelled by sharing partner, required to pay cancellation on single occupancy tour cost.
    • Air Ticket Cancellation and deposit forfeit charges are applicable as and when occur under the rules of the concerned Airline are additional cancellation charges to be paid by guest/s immediately.
  • Tours cancelled by Wonderglobe Holidays:
    • Wonderglobe Holidays may cancel the tour without assigning any reason and in such an event the guest/s can claim only the amount paid by him after deducting the taxes & VISA fees if paid by Wonderglobe Holidays to Visa Processing centre or Consulate.
    • When Wonderglobe Holidays decides to cancel the tour, cancellation of tour shall be communicated at least 15 calendar days prior to the date of commencement of tour, unless force majeure situation, via any of the following modes (a) email (b) sms (c) telephone ; provided by the guest/s in Tour Registration form.
  • Cancellation due to VISA rejection – Deemed Cancellation
    • Tour will be treated as Deemed cancelled, unless intimated by guest for reapply for VISA in writing within 24 hours from VISA refused or delayed by Consulate for any reason whatsoever.
    • The cancellation charges shall be Applicable from the date of intimation of cancelled VISA by guest to Wonderglobe Holidays.
    • Guest may apply second time for VISA at his own risk and consequences. If VISA get rejected again then new date of intimation will be considered as cancellation of tour date.
    • Sometimes the VISA processing takes longer time and in few cases VISA is not granted before tour departure or it is delayed. In such cases, Wonderglobe Holidays as a facilitator shall neither be responsible for any consequences nor liable for any refund. The guest shall have to bear all the cancellation and re-booking charges for the next tour.
    • If VISA of some of the guests of the registration form is cancelled and other guests of same form cancels the tour then cancellation charges as per above table is applicable for all bookings
    • Consulates depending on their rules & regulations sent VISA & passport directly to guest’s residence or to Wonderglobe Holidays. In both the cases, Guest should check all contents in VISA, sticker VISA, E-VISA etc. especially Name as per Passport, Passport No, validity, photographs, signature of the authorized person etc.
      • Wonderglobe Holidays will not be responsible if immigration office do not allow the guest to leave or enter the country
    • In many cases, consulate requires Air Ticket / Hotel Vouchers to process the VISA. On cancellation, actual Air Charges / VISA fees are payable in addition to above cancellation table.
  • Cancellation due to force Majeure Situations
    • Under force Majuere Situation, Wonderglobe Holidays reserves the right to Cancel, partly cancel and/or reschedule the tour considering safety and betterment of the Guests. Wonderglobe Holidays will issue non-encashable Credit Note after deducting actual charges towards rescheduling and others such as Air,VISA, hotels etc.
    • Wonderglobe Holidays will request suppliers for assisting in postponement of tour & guest can join the next possible date of same tour product. Guests are required to pay additional Cost, if applicable.
    • Guest can also opt for other tour product where cancellation will be applicable.
    • In case of force majuere event, Wonderglobe Holidays cancel the tour and if payments already been made to their respective suppliers then Wonderglobe Holidays reserves right to refund as & when they receives the same from the respective airlines/land suppliers in their bank account subject to actual cancellation.
  • Rescheduling of tour due to Uncontrollable factors:
    • Wonderglobe Holidays reserves the right to reschedule the tour and/or change the itinerary due to uncontrollable factors such as change in airline schedules, suspension or discontinuation of services by suppliers, major event at the visiting destinations affecting route of transport etc. No refund is applicable in uncontrollable situations and guest have to abide by the new schedule / Itinerary
    • Guest is required to pay additional cost due to delay in flight or cancellation of flight or missed the flight , missing the connecting flight during travel as the case may be. Guests are free to book their own tickets & refund will be processed as per contract between Wonderglobe Holidays and Airline. Once Air tickets are released as per request of guest, Wonderglobe Holidays will not be responsible for new booking & guests will require to join group at their own cost & consequences.
    • Fine, penalties or any such payments arising due to not meeting with the requirements of any airport or government authorities including Passport or Visa documents, court orders are responsibilities of guests and to be paid by the guest.
  • Cancellation due to non payment of Tour Price-Deemed cancellation
    • If full tour tariff is not paid as per terms & conditions, Wonderglobe Holidays reserves the right to cancel the booking / registration with consequent forfeiture of deposit/advance amount/entire part payment made to Wonderglobe Holidays. and/or the deduction of cancellation charges without giving notification, at the discretion of Wonderglobe Holidays.
    • The bookings shall be processed by Wonderglobe Holidays only after the registration amount is paid in full.
  • Right of Admission & termination
    • Guest with medical ailment: If any guest/s is suffering from any medical ailment Wonderglobe Holidays reserves the right to cancel the booking / registration of such guest/s on medical and/or other grounds without assigning reasons thereof. Wonderglobe Holidays also reserves the right to restrict / modify / amend / discontinue the tour of such guest/s without assigning any reasons. Additional cost incurred will be payable by guest. No refund is applicable to guest.
    • Wonderglobe Holidays reserves the rights to cancel the booking/registration of any of the guest after acceptance of the payment but prior to commencement of the tour, without assigning any reason. In such event Wonderglobe Holidays shall only refund the payment received from the guest for the tour.
    • Wonderglobe Holidays reserves the rights to terminate the booking/registration, prior to departure/during tour, if the guest is not following the group decorum of the tour or misbehaves or without assigning any reason whatsoever. In such an event, no refund or compensation shall be paid to the guest and he shall have to bear and pay the expenses for his return travel.
  • No show – Deemed cancellation
    • If guest fails to join the tour on Day 1 of the tour, it will be termed as No show – deemed cancellation and 100% cancellation will be applicable
    • Wonderglobe Holidays issues multiple air tickets for the tour under single PNR. As per airline rules, on missing any of the flights in Single PNR become No Show and no refund is available.
    • In above case, all the services will stand cancel unless guest notifies his willingness to join the tour later at his own cost & consequences within 24 hours from the date & time of departure.
  • Discontinuation from ongoing tour
    • If Guest discontinues / terminates the tour for any personal reason, it is termed as deemed cancellation & no refund will be applicable
    • Wonderglobe Holidays assists guests for booking of services in case of discontinuation of tour due to medical reason, however guest or his relatives will require to pay cost of services in advance on tour to tour leader or at Wonderglobe Holidays offices.
  • Transfer of tour/Future tour:
    • A transfer from the originally booked tour to another tour is treated as cancellation of earlier tour and therefore a fresh booking of another tour has to be made.
    • The tour tariff and discounts available / given for the cancelled tour are not valid for fresh booking. Tour tariff and discounts prevailing on the date of fresh booking of another tour shall be applicable.